Sunday, October 4, 2015

Family Theories

Have you ever wondered why your family acts a certain way? This week in class we learned about three different theories that explains why your family reacts to certain situations. Theory is a phenomenal explanation. Theories help family therapists and social scientists to guide their research. The first one is Exchange Theory. Which means we "try to keep our costs lower than our rewards in interaction." If we do something for someone we expect something in return. For example with my roommates we tend to use this theory. If I take out the trash I expect them to take it out the next time the trash is over flowed. Costs are usually referred to energy, time and money. I like what is says in my Marriage and Family textbook, "If a relationship costs us more than it rewards us, we are likely to avoid the person or break the relationship." This theory is seen as a misinterpretation between a couple. The next one is Conflict Theory. When there is two or more people involved it is likely that there will be conflict because of different interest, goals and needs. A conflict can happen if a person has more power over the other one. Gender differences can be a conflict. Feminists argue that men should not have all the power in the household. The last one is Symbolic Theory. It is described as people who are influenced because of their experiences or surroundings. For example, a college women who has committed to her career rather than getting married may change her mind as she dates a man. I enjoyed talking about these theories in class. I was able to identify myself with these three theories.

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