Monday, October 26, 2015

Dating and Love

What makes someone attractive to you? What qualities do you look for in a person to date? Research says that the most commonly said by both men and women are intelligence, education, personal traits, physical appearance. Similarity is another important factor. Have you ever noticed Where do you meet people to date? BYU-Idaho is a good place to date fro students because there are many young single adults to meet. You can meet people at school, job, clubs, organizations, mutual friends or through dating applications. Dating has many functions, such as recreation, companionship, gaining status, socialization, and mate selection. In class we learned that a date should have three P's (Planned, Paid for, and Paired off). What is love? Love is illustrated by four ancient Greek words; Storge, Philia, Eros and Agape. Storge is the love between parents and their children. Love is described as protection, care and often described as unconditional love. Philia is love that is between friends. Eros comes from erotic and its the love between men and women. It is more than sex it includes worrying about the other person and longing to be with the person. The last one is Agape it is love that is independent of one's feelings for another. For example, charity. I see dating as meeting and learning from the people I date. The ultimate goal of dating is to be in a relationship and get married. Marriage is an essential part to Heavenly Fathers plan for his children.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

What is culture?

What is culture? What is the culture within your family? What are the traditions you have in your family? I made a list of the traditions I would like to keep in my family. I will share some examples: traveling, education, hard working and unity as a family. Culture are the beliefs, customs, values, cuisines or the clothing of a certain group of people. This week in class we learned about Tammy Crabtree a white women from Ohio who struggled economically. Social class is defined because of someones status, name, behavior, opportunity, belongings, location and education. Tammy lived in a beat up trailer and had to walk 10 miles to work! She did not go to college and was a single mother so she worked at Burger King. Her kids were affected by Tammy's absence. I believe that a stay a home mother is essential for the family. Children need the nurture and love of a mother. Tammy grew up in a hardworking household, so she was comfortable with her lifestyle. She said her father will be proud of her. The mentality of a poor person is what can keep them in poverty they usually say things like "I will always be poor..." The more education someone has the more resources that will be available to them. This week in class we also discussed and studied the problems a family can face when they cross the boarder. Why do families move? Is it so there kids can have a better education? To be safer? For opportunities? Usually the father will cross first because he needs to find a job to settle down and then cross the rest of the family. Family separation is dangerous it can affect the children emotionally. The son needs his fathers figure as an example and the daughter needs to feel protected by her dad. A family can go through many challenges when a parent missing. We learned that the extend family which is the grandparents, uncles and cousins will take the role of the missing parent. The study of families is complex and unique for every culture. Family is part of every humans experience. It can be good or bad and it can define who you become.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Family Theories

Have you ever wondered why your family acts a certain way? This week in class we learned about three different theories that explains why your family reacts to certain situations. Theory is a phenomenal explanation. Theories help family therapists and social scientists to guide their research. The first one is Exchange Theory. Which means we "try to keep our costs lower than our rewards in interaction." If we do something for someone we expect something in return. For example with my roommates we tend to use this theory. If I take out the trash I expect them to take it out the next time the trash is over flowed. Costs are usually referred to energy, time and money. I like what is says in my Marriage and Family textbook, "If a relationship costs us more than it rewards us, we are likely to avoid the person or break the relationship." This theory is seen as a misinterpretation between a couple. The next one is Conflict Theory. When there is two or more people involved it is likely that there will be conflict because of different interest, goals and needs. A conflict can happen if a person has more power over the other one. Gender differences can be a conflict. Feminists argue that men should not have all the power in the household. The last one is Symbolic Theory. It is described as people who are influenced because of their experiences or surroundings. For example, a college women who has committed to her career rather than getting married may change her mind as she dates a man. I enjoyed talking about these theories in class. I was able to identify myself with these three theories.