Saturday, September 26, 2015

Getting Married?

This weeks discussion in my Family Relations class was interesting. We talked about family trends. The one that caught my attention the most was Delaying Marriage. In our Mormon culture I am used to seeing young marriages. LDS members get married around age 24 for females and 26 for males. Non LDS people get married around age 26 for females and 28 for males. Delaying marriage has become popular in our society. I asked my non Mormon friends what was their ideal age for marriage and one of my friends said at age 30 and the other one said she did not plan on getting married or having children. I think our society is individualistic, meaning they only think about themselves. Another problem is that the fertility rate has decreased. Fertility rate is the number of children a women has in her life time. Birth rate is the number of births per thousands. The birth rate has decreased but the population is increasing. How is that? The elderly people are living longer because of advanced Medicine and science. In reality not having children is affecting our world! The less people the less innovation and creativity to invent new things. Values, ethics, education and traditions are not being passed down. Family is essential. They help us grow, experience and learn from each other.

Saturday, September 19, 2015


Welcome to my blog! I am studying Child Development at Brigham Young University-Idaho! I have a passion for helping people. I want to be involved in helping children with special needs. I created this blog for my Family Relations course. I am excited to learn valuable information from my Family Relations class! I will be blogging about my thoughts, feelings and experiences regarding family. Feel free to comment your thoughts as well! Thanks for stopping by!